We just returned from Revision 2013 and it was a great party with a lot of cool releases. I really love visiting demo parties as I like the creativity you feel all over the place. A huge amount of very different people meet up and lots of them work quite focussed on their releases. Lots of good Amiga stuff this time and for a wild compo that was almost canceled first, due to lacking entries, it was a blaze after lots of entries where done to save this great category. That was one of my personal highlights.
During the last days we where on a trip through south Germany and while working on reLive I recognized some strange display flickering problems on my device that seemed to originate from some hardware defect. On thursday I went to the local Apple Store and asked for help. I showed them the strange behavior and told them about the plan to present reLive for iOS on an event next day. They where very helpful and quickly arranged a date with a genius. He checked my device and offered me a replacement instead of trying to fix it in my device, to make sure I have a working device for my date. We exchanged devices after I flushed my data and I was back on track!
Quite shortly after the first versions of reLiveQt I wanted to have an iOS client too, and I started working on it some time ago, but I didn’t really have enough time to bring it into a state where it would be actually usable.
There where problems with the colon separation on some browsers, so a dash is now used. A new release of reLiveQt, version 0.9.69 is taking care of that while still understanding the old format. It also fixes a bug that prevents you from listening to the last seconds of a stream. This is my first reLiveQt build without a 10.5 system for OSX development and tests, so I hope everything is fine, but please report any problems so I can fix them.
reLiveQt is now available for Mac OS X and Windows, and thanks to Qt it was not that much work. Grab it while it is hot!