reLiveQt is now available for Mac OS X and Windows, and thanks to Qt it was not that much work. Grab it while it is hot!
The new version 0.8.62 is available as a dmg for the Mac and as an installer or a zip package for Windows. As the windows installer package offers the option to install the application in the program folder, it needs administrator rights. If you don’t have the rights or don’t want to trust it, use the zip and copy the contained folder to a place of your liking.
One thing that I really like is the new support for relive urls. Now you can link from a webpage to a station, a show/stream and an individual track. So if you already installed/used the new reLiveQt, you should be able to jump into the BitJam-Episode #100 or the - ROTY Awards 2009, or even jump to the first part of an Interview with Jeri Ellsworth at Alternative Party 2009. Time will tell how much it will be used, but it is a nice thing to have.